Our services
Chimney cleaning
Clean & efficient chimney sweep service eliminating the buildup of soot or creosote in your chimney.
Chimney Camera Survey
We can also carry out camera surveys for intensive insurance claims & landlord compliance.
Chimney Repairs
Chimney repair service involves our technicians surveying the chimney and providing you with a solution.
Chimney Acid
Our latest product chimney acid which dries up tarry deposits that are impossible to remove with normal cleaning.
Our Service Areas
Our complete Chimney Care & Repair service including Chimney Sweep Service covers counties including:
- Donegal, including Letterkenny, Donegal Town and Inishowen peninsula
- Sligo
- Leitrim
- Derry
- Tyrone including Strabane, Omagh & Newtonstewart
- Fermanagh